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My Secret to Staying Fit

My Secret Lifestyle to Staying Fit

People who are close to me know that I am a foodie. I always love exploring new varieties of food, cook something new and mouth watering (although I rarely get time to cook) and not the regular dal chaawal. Although I do not eat much all at once and in large quantities but I eat frequently, a light snack once in 2-3 hours. I was not this kind of foodie before and also not a fitness freak though. 

I am slim and fit since my childhood. According to my parents I was very chubby and fat when I was an infant. Obviously, which I do not wish to go back to. Staying fit to me has always been a necessity. I love this way and I am going to do whatever it takes to stay this way. It doesn’t mean I am going to starve myself by avoiding my favorite food cravings. I never believed in creating time tables or charts for my food intake. 

It is all about the balance we need to maintain between eating our favorite foods and staying healthy at the same time. 

I use the below ways to maintain that balance. 

Drink Plenty of Water: 

Water cleanses our body from all the toxins and harmful substances. It is very important to drink a lot of water daily. I drink around 3-3.5 litres of water a day by which I feel hydrated throughout the day. I make sure that I do not consume more water immediately after my lunch. I feel it causes some uneasiness and it is not healthy in the long run too.

Include Oats in the Breakfast:

I used to think oats is the food only for the obese and fat people who want to get back in shape until I learnt this new recipe from my sister and actually adopted it. I never thought we can make a very tasty recipe with oats as I felt it was boring. I started eating this recipe because it is yummy. 

We can find body age as a part of whole body screening and BMI testing which mentions the age of the body according to the functioning of its organs. It is recommended by any nutritionist to have our body age equal to our original age. I am very happy share that body age has reduced gradually by 6 years since the day I started eating oats. It feels very good to hear that you are actually younger than how you look to the whole world. 

I would like to share my recipe with you and hope it helps whoever is in the journey of fitness. This is the major thing I have implemented which changed my life in a very positive and healthy way. 

Oats & Nuts Blast 

Ingredients required:

• Oats – 4 teaspoons 
• Flax seeds powder – ¼ teaspoon
• Chia seeds – 1 pinch 
• Salt – 2 pinches or as per taste 
• Milk – ½ cup (skip this if not preferred)
• Water – 1 ½ cup (adjust this according to milk quantity)
• Any or some varieties of dry fruits 
• Cinnamon powder – ¼ teaspoon 
• Honey – as per choice 
• Fresh fruits – either 1 or a mix of fruits, Orange, Banana, Apple and a few more as per choice 


Add oats, flax seed powder, chia seeds, salt, milk and water in a bowl and cook it.
Remove it from the flame when cooked and add nuts, honey and cinnamon powder, mix it and and enjoy the taste of health. You can always replace nuts with your favourite fruit to get rid of the boredom of having it daily.

Always listen to your body:

Our body always warns us when something is wrong within us. We should always listen to our body when it says to stop eating something and get ourselves checked by doctors regularly to avoid any unwanted consequences in the future. 

Reduce the intake of oily and sugary foods: 

Fortunately, I do not take more of oily and sugary foods as I am not a fan of them which helped me a lot in maintaining my health in order. We should always be careful of what we are eating and how much we are eating. We need to maintain a balance between healthy and junk foods on a daily basis. 

Key takeaways:

1)Drink lots of water 
2)Take a look at my oats recipe and 
3)Always listen to your body 

I hope this post helps you and your loved ones. Also comment, like and share if you find this interesting. I would like to hear your concerns in the comments section and love replying you all. 


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